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On 9 May 2023, a Cessna C208 aircraft, registered PK-HVG was being operated by PT Marta Buana Abadi (Dimonim Air) on an unscheduled cargo flight from Nop Goliat Dekai Airport (WAVD) to Yabi airstrip.

According to an officer in Yabi, there was light rain in the area the night before. However, on the morning of the actual day of the occurrence, the weather was clear with visibility of 10 km and calm wind conditions.

At 2240 UTC (0740 LT) the aircraft departed Dekai for Yabi. The flight was conducted under Visual Flight Rules (VFR) with two pilots on board, where the Pilot in Command (PIC) acted as the Pilot Flying (PF) and the Second in Command (SIC) served as the Pilot Monitoring (PM). The flight was uneventful until the aircraft touched down at Yabi.

At 2258 UTC, the aircraft reached over Yabi. The pilot conducted a flyover Yabi before proceeding to enter K-point with the landing configuration, utilizing fully extended flaps, and maintaining a speed of approximately 80 knots. Subsequently, the aircraft advance to Abortpoint and continue with the landing.

At 2300 UTC, the aircraft landed in Yabi and rolled along the upslope runway until the nose landing gear collapsed and folded back. A pothole of the nose wheel was identified on a soggy ground around 130 meters from the touchdown mark. Afterwards, the aircraft veered to the right. The pilot applied full brake and left rudder in an attempt to regain control, but the aircraft continued to move uncontrollably in that direction.

As the aircraft kept going right, the pilot reduced the power and cut off the fuel by closing the fuel valve. The aircraft collided with a large rock led to the detachment of the propeller from the engine power drive and caused the aircraft to stop.

No one was injured in this occurrence. However, the sustained substantial damage, including bent propeller blades, a collapsed nose landing gear, and damage to the forward cargo door, engine cowling, and exhaust.

During the initial investigation, KNKT identified safety issues related to the absence of Yabi information in the company's Operation Manual and the discrepancies between the actual airstrip data and the airstrip chart in the pilot's possession. Therefore, KNKT issued safety recommendations to the aircraft operator to provide pilots with sufficient and accurate references, including all relevant information about Yabi airstrip and guidance for Dekai to Yabi operations.


